Kategori Ämnen


Are you new to the movement? Drop in and say “hi” here (or “hej” if you write in Swedish) and older participants will welcome you. This category is where we meet, share news and talk about anything we want. Feel free to start a new topic!

Berättelser & Upplevelser

Inom Skjutsgruppen kommer vi närmare varandra! Vi både överbryggar fysiska avstånd - och avstånd mellan människor. Här berättar vi om detta!

Local communities

Welcome to the local communities of the movement! A local community is a local version of everything you see in this forum. Participants can discuss local issues and make decisions together.

Democratize Mobility

We can apply the principles of co-creation and participation to all areas of mobility. We call this to “Democratize mobility”. This category is a living thought process on the subject.

Samåkningsdagen / Ridesharing Day

2023 we celebrate The International Ridesharing Day on October 27! Join a local celebration below or start your own (read how below). Use the hashtags Samåkningsdagen / Ridesharing Day and #Samåkningsdagen in social media.

Verktyg / Tools

As a movement we 1) Co-create tools and 2) Use the tools together!

Idéer / Ideas

In this category everyone can present ideas! If the movement start working with ideas it graduates to the category “Verktyg / Tools”.


För alla Skjutsgruppen ideell förenings medlemmar! (Kategorierna syns inte om du inte är medlem i föreningen )

Dokument / Documents

Contact information, press material, free to use photos, “what is ridesharing” and more.